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Recover registration fees if your season's cut short!

No curveballs here, sports registration insurance you can trust.

A pomi Season SAVER policy will reimburse you up to 100% of your unused team registration fees. You paid hundreds or thousands to join the team then suffer an injury or illness.  Most teams don’t offer refunds but that doesn’t mean your investment should go down the drain. We can help you play it safe.

Are you a coach or league administrator interested in sharing Season Saver with your team?
Get a customized team page by clicking the Share with Parents button and filling out the form.

How does Season SAVER protect your registration fees?

Meet Camryn,
a 17-year old
volleyball captain

CLAIM Basketball

Camryn’s suffered a twisted ankle and the doctor said she’d miss the rest of the season. Her parents already paid for the full season and, like most teams, there was a no refund policy.

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Total registration cost: $4,000

Time missed: 6 weeks out

of the 12 week season


Amount you’d lose: $2,000


Amount reimbursed with

pomi Season SAVER: $2,000

Policy covers up to 100% of remaining unused, nonrefundable portion of Organized Sport Activity Participation Fees calculated on a per diem basis.

What does a pomi Season SAVER policy cover?

Season interruption coverage protects athletes up to age 26 and starts at just $10.

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  • If they get hurt in a game or practice
  • If they get hurt playing with friends
  • If they get hurt at home or school


  • If they contract an illness like the flu or covid
  • If they suffer a serious, long-term medical condition

*Pricing based on policy length and other factors. All coverages may not be available in all states

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Defend against pricey sports injury medical costs! Another great way to play it safe with pomi.

No matter the sport, we've got you covered!

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