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Get in the game and grow your business.

Custom and embedded insurance solutions for the youth sports market.

With pomi, everybody can win

Whether you run a league, operate a sports management and registration site, or something else in the youth sports world, reaching sports parents is critical to your success.  Keeping them happy, repeat customers, is even more challenging. So why not add a unique and seamless solution that can add value to your customers and help you earn more in the process? With our custom and embedded insurance solutions, sports families can get better protected while your business earns an andditional revenue stream – risk free and at no cost!

How pomi can work with your organization

Add value to your customers with custom and embedded insurance solutions. Our team is there to help from technical support to marketing and everything in between to help make it a success.

With our game plan, we work together to offer our products in your checkout or through other natural opportunities throughout the customer journey,  helping create a seamless experience. Your customers choose the coverages they want and you earn more.

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  • Earn compensation and add to your bottomline with an additional revenue stream


  • No-cost, no-risk solution for your organization to drive more revenue and provide a more robust customer experience


  • Provide additional value to your customer by offering coverage that integrates into your tech without friction


  • Help your customers be better protected from the whatifs of sports, helping them achieve peace of mind

Ready to get in the game?

Sign up now to get started.


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Do you know a team that could use some new jerseys, equipment or a fully stocked concession? Tell us!
